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Custom Logger

Stencil's Custom Logger, powered by the Winston logging library, offers a versatile and customizable solution for logging in your Stencil applications. This detailed guide is designed to help absolute beginners understand and effectively use the Custom Logger.

Getting Started

Import Custom Logger

Import the Logger class into your TypeScript files where you want to use logging. Update the path accordingly.

import { Logger } from './path/to/Logger';

Logging Messages

What to Capture?

When logging, consider capturing the following information:

  • Error Context: Include relevant details about the error, such as error codes, stack traces, or any specific error-related information.

  • User Actions: Log user actions or events that are critical to understanding the application's flow.

  • Request and Response Data: For web applications, log important details from incoming requests and the corresponding responses.

  • Performance Metrics: Capture performance-related information, such as response times, database query durations, or any other metrics that help in performance analysis.

Log Levels

The Custom Logger supports the following log levels:

  • error: For critical errors.
  • warn: For warning messages.
  • info: For general informational messages.
  • verbose: For more detailed logs.
  • debug: For debugging information.

Log Messages

Use the various log methods provided by the Logger class to log messages at different levels.

import { Logger } from './path/to/Logger';

// Log messages at different levels
Logger.error('An error occurred', 'ExampleModule');'Informational message', 'ExampleModule');
Logger.debug('Debugging information', 'ExampleModule');

Notes for Beginners


Always include a context parameter in your log messages to indicate where the log originates. It helps in tracing issues.

Understanding Log Levels

Familiarize yourself with different log levels and use them appropriately based on the importance and type of information.

Default Nest.js Logger

If you're using Nest.js, take advantage of the integration with the default Nest.js logger for seamless logging.

Customization Tips

Feel free to adjust log levels, colors, and other configurations to match your preferences and application needs.

Check Dependencies

Ensure that you have installed the required dependencies by running npm install winston.

The Stencil Custom Logger aims to provide a beginner-friendly yet powerful logging solution for your Stencil applications. Customize it according to your needs, and enjoy efficient logging across your project.