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While developing this cli, many custom schematics were created to assist the cli in file generation.

The following new commands are available to the user if they wish to expedite a manual setup of their server

  1. service-prisma : Creates a new prisma.service.ts and adds it as a provider to app.module.ts
  2. prisma : Adds a sample User model to the schema.prisma file
  3. service-user : Adds the necessary imports for @techsavvyash/user-service in app.module.ts
  4. fixtures : Generate the docker related files along with the shell sciripts needed to run the pre-commit file in husky
  5. husky : Creates the pre-commit file in the .husky folder
  6. github : Creates a new .github folder and the ISSUE_TEMPLATE and Workflow subdirectory in it.
  7. devcontainer : Generates the devcontainer.json in the .devcontainer directory.